Friday, September 14, 2012

a short discussion about......our birds!

i was asked recently, why birds?
why nests?
the answer is, because i love birds, and i have a few of my own!
i have 5 ducks
4 chickens
and 4 budgies
(also 3 laperm cats but that's another story for another time)
everyone is got a name, which they respond to......... all, with the exception of the budgies, are tame and love to be carried around like babies.

so back to the question, i am of the school where you draw, or write what you know, and i am surrounded by birds.
completely by choice.
we don't have a lot of pet birds compared to the amount of wild birds that share the property with us.  they love it here!
we have plenty of cover for them, food, water..........
lots of trees and wild spaces

and they seem to really really LOVE duck and chicken food. the cardinals alone must go through a pound or two a week of duck and chicken food.....they swoop into the duck/chicken pens and help themselves. it's gotten so bad that the ducks ignore the wild birds!
but i love them all, they make our world so much happier with their chirping and their flying around out there.
we put out nesting materials for them in spring but really there is so much out there, dead dried grass, duck and chicken feathers.... etc that they just happily stay here and raise family after family.

they're happy
we're happy
and i get to paint them!

so that's the answer of 'why birds'

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