Wednesday, August 29, 2012

just taking a break in the project to ask you all....

is this blog loading ok for you folks? 
are the pictures ok?
is there any problems with it at all? 
please let me know ok? you can leave it in the comments if you wouldn't mind 


ps: this is a sneak peek at the first painting in the crow series, i am up to 10 now 
this is for my chicklet daughters
btw, i have to say, time away from my paintings is good for me, because then i get to see them with a fresh eye.. oh and another thing, painting indian corn I THOUGHT was going to be a nightmare, turns out it was a LOT of fun
(this whole painting was a lot of fun for me)

1 comment:

  1. Awww mama!!! I love your crows and I love YOU! You are so dear to my heart and I believe now that the birds brought you to me...or me to you :))


please let me know what you think of this post and this blog, it means so much to me